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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sugarcane update

So.....myself and my main SD finally went on our mini trip. It was a SUCCESS. We went shopping, he gave me my allowance, and he took me out to eat to a really classy restaurant downtown in the city we were in. Our trip was just amazing, since we were in a different city, he was much more relaxed than in our area. The chemistry was so STRONG. I can tell he was really happy. I feel so good that I was a part of that, because being as though we have been seeing one another for a few months, I know how stressful his work is (he owns a pretty large company after all). When we were out of town, he still was fully connected with his phone and everything, which did not bother me. I am understanding, if you are the BOSS, you probably never are really ever finished working.  OH. And his wife called while we were out of town, which did not bother me.....naturally I was listening to his end. The conversation was so DRY. There was no excitement and he seemed deflated after they got off the phone. I am good for staying OUT of their relationship, because it just is none of my business. I KNOW what I agreed to and I refuse to dig....after all I dont want to break them apart and take him as my husband at all. I prefer what we have by far.

So, the Saturday after we return rolls around and I get a call from him. I was not expecting to hear from him on the weekend, so I hoped everything was ok. Well, it was more than OK. He said basically that he has really enjoyed our time together and wants to take it a step further. He told me to go ahead and look for an apartment, where we can see each other outside of hotels all the time. Also, he will up my allowance. YES! *throws confetti* . He mention this when we first met, but naturally the chemistry and everything needs to be there. This could not have come at a better time, because my neighbors have gotten on my nerves quite a bit lately. I will definitely keep my place (I have to), but at least I don't have to be there so much. I think I can at least move half of my clothes into the new place......he is going to furnish our place together and everything. :) An apartment only makes sense, because hotels are costly and add up to an apartment anyway.

AT LAST a decent SD who gets it!
I also mentioned to him some of the other goals I have by summer, but I dont expect him to deliver on them now......hopefully by summer though, I will have the rest of what I want.